What Makes YOU Come Alive?

In October 2023, I was fortunate to attend a Fiore Women’s Retreat in Tuscany.

Staying in a farmhouse, with 8 other women, was life-changing.

The thing that impacted me the most was, “getting outside of my comfort zone!”

Visiting Puscina Flower Farm (pic above) and ancient monasteries and cool charming villages.

Learning to make pasta, biscotti and watercolor art. Talking with strangers, exploring creative writing sessions, and eating amazing food.

Most of all, growing beyond what I had ever imagined.

My wellness tip today is…go do something crazy, wild, extraordinary - something that makes YOU come alive and feel amazing!

There’s life force in that. Energy.

New cell growth. Joy. A reconnection with Self.

It can be so tempting to continue to do what’s comfortable (believe me, I truly get it!)

AND, there’s magic to be found in a renewed spirit, and soul-enlivening adventure.

If you’re inclined, write to me and let me know what new alive thing you’re up too. I’d love to know!

With love,
—Marlyn XO

marlyn diaz