Tips for Better Detoxification

Optimizing our detoxification pathways supports better weight loss, hormonal balance, better elimination, glowing skin and a healthier YOU!!

During the last few months, I’ve reviewed over twenty-five personalized genetic nutrition tests.

Each person’s test has their own unique blueprint.

Many of the blueprints reviewed have shown “less-than-optimal detoxification pathways.” Which means, it’s harder for the body to neutralize and remove toxins.

Here’s the good news! We can support our best detoxification pathways with a variety of foods, herbs, supplements and lifestyle practices.

Whether your genetics show “optimum” or “less-than”, we could all use a little extra liver cleansing and daily detoxification support!

Below are some of the top foods to consider incorporating into your daily eating to detox better:

  1. Consume foods that support liver enzymes e.g. onion, garlic, green tea, pomegranate, grapefruit, raw cruciferous vegetables, broccoli sprouts, and wild-caught cold-water fish. Prioritize dark green leafy vegetables and those from the broccoli and onion families.

  2. Include foods that help neutralize toxins such as garlic, radishes, asparagus, onion, apples, nuts, sesame, and ginger.

  3. For good gut elimination, include foods with toxin-binding properties. Cilantro, Matcha green tea, oregano, rosemary, and peppermint.

Happy Detoxing!

P.S If you’d like to learn more about your own genetic nutrition blueprint…reach out and let’s have a conversation or click here METABOLIC WELLNESS

marlyn diaz