Remember Why You Are Here
At the Farmhouse in Tuscany with freshly picked Puscina Flowers
Remember why you are here…because you are magic. You radiate love and light and miracles. I know that face, that face of love. The one that smiles and laughs and tells stories all day. Oh child of mine, how I love thee. Precious one. Let your guard down, your heart open and your eyes see the beauty all around you. There is magic and miracles and blessings and joy. Life is here for you, to love you, to protect you to guide you. Your job is to open, to forgive, to let go - especially of the hurt and the pain, those momentary moments that crushed you or changed you. It’s okay my darling, for love is here to guide you back home to yourself, to your heart, to your light, to your soul.
Remember why you are here…to help others, to share your gifts and your wisdom, your listening ear, and your energy. For you are grace and you are love and light and magic and miracles. You are the earth and the sun and the moon and the stars. Sprinkle your stardust on those you love and let the rest fall amongst the others. For we are one and one we are. I love you with all my heart and soul. It’s our time to shine. I am yours and you are mine. Tears sweep down my face as we walk this new path of life one of peace, positivity, aliveness and radiance.
No holding back, it’s your time to shine and skip and dance and laugh. Time to love and ignite and open and shout - I am woman, hear me roar. I am love, watch me glow! I love you and you love me. I love you and now you’ll see. It is your time to open some more, for life has wisdom and love knocking at your door.
The flowers bloom, the sun shines, it is your time to be all of yourself wrinkles, beauty, scars and pain - keep them as memories for all you’ve been through. Remember you can do ANYTHING you set your mind too. For you are love and you are light, you are the magic that sets the night. I love you my darling, remember that too. Now take my hand and let’s go! Jump, dance, rock that boogie and have some fun.
From an Untamed Writing Class taught by Dana Childers in Tuscany, at the Farmhouse Women’s Retreat 10/21/23